Jesus calls his people to be marked by a willingness to serve those around us. He set the example for us time and time again. That His love was expressed through serving others and he calls us to do the same. He's given you unique gifts, skills, and passions that He wants to use to make a difference! Let us help you find your best fit and, together, let's passionately follow Jesus by serving our church and others!
Let us help you find your best fit around here! Click below to fill out a form to let us know more and one of our ministry leaders will get back to you as soon as possible! Also, check out some of our specific needs we have right now to see it's where God could use YOU!
Let us help you find your best fit around here! Click below to fill out a form to let us know more and one of our ministry leaders will get back to you as soon as possible! Also, check out some of our specific needs we have right now to see it's where God could use YOU!